Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Get Off That Couch!

just as soon as ... [____] happens, I will start my business, ... i have ['x'] number of dollars in the bank, I will take the plunge, or ... once I have all of the details sorted out, I am going to start making my dream a reality.

While I applaud thoughtful preparations, I'm also here to encourage you to step forth into the great unknown. If you wait for perfection before you launch your ideas, you could be waiting forever.

I'm a big fan of Chris Guillebeau and his blog, The Art of Non-Conformity. As a non-conformist myself, I appreciate his words of wisdom, and enjoy being reinvigorated by the projects he writes about.

Today, his new book The $100 Startup hits the stands, and I recommend it for anyone that needs a push in starting their dream. I'm an advocate of taking control of your work - and this book, which focuses on micro-entrepreneurs (i.e. entrepreneurs who start businesses that largely consist of themselves alone - no employees), provides endless inspiration for figuring out how to get your own business (or side project) up and running in a real way.

Just remember, the book is a step in the right direction, not a crutch that fools you into thinking you are taking action - use it to inspire your ideas and put them into ACTION.

And if Chris' words resonate with you, too, let him know in person. His book tour starts in NYC today, but you can catch him all over the country in the coming weeks.

I'll be catching him when he drops by Toronto next month. Everyone is welcome to join me June 18th @7:00PM at the Chapters/Indigo store on Bay/Bloor.

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